Mrs Omoyemi Olajugbagbe, is from Osun State, Nigerian Entrepreneur. An Accountant with an MBA in Financial Management, Mrs Olajugbagbe is MD/CEO of Yhemmy Fabrics and Accessories. I am a born again Christian and a Deaconess in the Redeemed Christian Church Of God (RCCG).
I have been acting in Christian Drama since I was in primary school. I started as a drama member then at our house fellowship centre and was once the drama coordinator of RCCG FOUNTAIN OF GLORY PARISH DRAMA GROUP.
Besides my drama engagement, I am also into charity, giving and taking care of widows and the less privileged. In collaboration with other well-meaning members of the society, we regularly go around some orphanages and homes for the elderly, donating food items, clothing and other such items to support their operations.
God helping me, I will serve Him till the end.